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Thoughts from the Albuquerque Sunport Airport

Writer: Thoughts by MeThoughts by Me

From December 2016

It’s always bittersweet leaving my family and heading back to my hubby. I’m so thankful for the time God gives me with each and every one of them. Even though my “Arizona” family is currently living just outside of Cleveland, not in Tucson where my 2nd house had always been until 2 years ago, the people still make it “home” for me.

I had an amazing time with them celebrating my step mom’s birthday. It was lovely spending a week with her, my siblings and 3 of my nephews. Although I do wish my oldest brother, sister-in-law and other 2 nephews could’ve been there, it was the perfect visit. I adore both of my sisters-in-law. They are definitely blessings from God!! My 3 aunts were able to be there too. One lives there, but the other 2 were surprise visitors like me. Was wonderful seeing my cousins who just had a baby, too. I had individual time with each person. It was so refreshing and uplifting. The birthday dinner cruise was so much fun. My sister pulled it off as a surprise as well. She did so good arranging everything!!

After the week was up, I headed to my other “home” (where I went to school) in the Albuquerque area to see my mom, kids, granddaughter, granddog and best friend of 25 years, for 2 weeks. I had so much fun playing with my 7 month old bundle of joy! She is the perfect baby! I am completely enamored by her. She and Grammy (that’s me) had so much fun together. She looked so cute on Thanksgiving with her autumn colored tutu, her “I’m stuffed” onesie with a picture of a turkey, and her autumn colored headband bow (her mommy is a genius when it comes to baby headbands. She really could sell them).

It was so nice to wake up to the sounds of a giggling baby. There is no sound more pure than the sound of an excited or happy baby. What an amazing blessing!! I was so happy to have the honor of babysitting my little gremlin while mommy went to work (she stuffs everything into her mouth pretty fiercely, she tried to eat my chin on multiple occasions…….gotta love the teething stage). I had such an amazing time playing and singing and snuggling my sweet little baby girl. I had a wonderful time with my daughter-in-law too. She is the neatest! So creative!

I loved having coffee with my mom every morning, going shopping and just hanging out with each other. I especially loved watching the Macy’s Parade on thanksgiving with her. She was the one that started that tradition in our family. I still love it and watch every year. It was so neat putting up the Christmas tree with her after so many years, too. I got her to go geocaching also.

I always enjoy the tastes of home. A big part of any trip is stuffing myself with as much green chile as possible. Wecks with it’s infamous “Bowl of Papas” (eggs over-medium with Christmas….aka red and green chile), Stuffy’s with enormous stuffed sopaipillas (refried bean and green chile), Blake’s Lottoburger for breakfast burritos, Twisters for an Indian Taco, Costco for 2 containers of Sadie’s salsa to bring home, and some green chile to make green chile stew (that I made for last night’s dinner). Oh yeah!!! I always return a bit more plump.

I didn’t get as much time with my BFF as I would’ve liked, but I understand the reason. It’s too hard for me to drive far with my dizziness, too (I hate driving now). I’m so happy that she was able to come see me when she could and Thanksgiving dinner was at her house as well.

I’m also grateful to God that I also got to spend my baby’s 20th birthday with him. It seems like just the other day he was the size of his daughter and I was loving on and playing with him. It all goes so fast……too fast. It’s unbelievably easy to take those times for granted. I miss him terribly and am always excited to spend as much time as possible with him.

My visit went fast and it was time to return home. So, last Saturday I found myself at the airport in Albuquerque, in line to buy a cup of pinon coffee and some to take home at the Black Mesa stand in the terminal. And it hit me….the promise God made me last year. I had a surgery on my right hand last December 15th . In January, when I came off the continuous pain meds, I realized I’d missed Christmas….I bawled my eyes out for about 30 minutes. I have vague blurbs of memory that include getting the stomach flu on Christmas Eve. I don’t remember much else. In the midst of throwing myself a pity party, God spoke to my heart. He said, “Dry your eyes, I’ll make it up to you next year “.

And boy did He!! I got to put up 2 houses worth of decorations with 2 trees…….I love decorating! I got to spend time with Aunt S, whom I haven’t seen in YEARS and my Aunt J whom I haven’t seen in almost 3 years. I love seeing my Aunt M too who just became grandma again x2 (now she has 3). I always enjoy being with my sister…..taught her how to geocache. I adore my baby brother and his amazing boys. Such a great time with my sister-in-law. Good talk with my nearly 18 year old nephew. Love seeing Chico my furry brother, my dad’s best friend. Got to go to the cemetery to see dad a few times. Had a wonderful time with both moms. Had a great conversation with my BFF one night. Got to see my son as a dad, and had great time with my daughter-in-law and my little ladybug.

I’d say that God more than kept His promise to me!! My heart is full….my cup runneth over! You are so good Lord!! Thank You for ALWAYS keeping Your promises and Word!!! You never let me down. I love that You already know how things will turn out before they even happen. Help me to always rely on You, because You know me well….what I need and when I need it.

13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[a] Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. 17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you. (Psalm 139:13-18, ESV)



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