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Th o u g h t s B y M e
About my blog
I started this blog in October of 2011. I wanted to be an encouragement to people who were going through tough times; to let them know they aren't alone and build them up in God. (1 Corinthians 14)
I'm an open book and I am quite blunt. I say what I mean and mean what I say (I took Matthew 5:37 to heart). I really never understood people who like to keep their life secret. I've done some pretty stupid and embarrassing stuff, but God has always used my mistakes and mess ups to teach me something. I have also learned from other's mistakes because they were willing to warn me.
This blog was the launching pad to the Bible studies God has me write. While the blog posts themselves are from the past, they can still be effective in helping others know we are not alone. And you will certainly get a laugh here and there.
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