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What does the Bible


Say about that?

The Bible can be confusing if we don't know how to interpret it correctly and word etymology is ever-changing: like 'literal' doesn't necessarily mean 'literal' anymore. And with so many popular feel good and self-help verse snippits flooding our internet and social media, could we be missing what's actually being said?  The Bible can seem like a forced mountain climb or just a collection of "don'ts" for those who don't understand what's really being conveyed. This program is to help you understand what the Biblical authors meant when they wrote this ancient collection of human experience with Yahweh, our Creator. Mountains can be conquered if we are equipped with navigation tools. 

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and check out my YouTube channel

        Metamorphic Grace
       Worship Arts Studio

for biblical discussion on popular sayings and verses and Biblical definitions. Plus daily Bible readings

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               Lets look at what Scripture actually says about your life situations.

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