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Thoughts from a Prayer

Writer: Thoughts by MeThoughts by Me

From May 2017

I love to see how God works in my life. I tell you, it’s one adventure after the next! My life is anything but mundane and I get to meet some great people! Of course, learning to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit is a process that has its own timeline.

Someone suggested years ago that I pray every morning for God to guide every aspect of my day; be in total control; end up wherever it takes me; to ask what debt of Love I owe that day. God paid a HUGE price sending Jesus to take our place for the sins our fleshly nature commits. I am His; at His service, for His purpose (thanks “A”, I stole your saying lol). My life, redeemed, bought and paid for:

17 If you address as Father, the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in [reverent] fear [of Him] and with profound respect for Him throughout the time of your stay on earth. 18 For you know that you were not redeemed from your useless [spiritually unproductive] way of life inherited [by tradition] from your forefathers with perishable things like silver and gold, 19 but [you were actually purchased] with precious blood, like that of a [sacrificial] lamb unblemished and spotless, the priceless blood of Christ. 1 Peter 1:17-19 (AMP)

At first I was frustrated. “How is THAT possible?”, “I can’t just go where God wants, when He wants”, “I have a schedule, you know”, “I have places I need to be”, “Sure if I had no job”. Thankfully, that’s not how it works. Because I do this, I’m in the places I’m meant to be, talking to or helping the people I’m supposed to be, and possibly even make vital connections.

Of course, there are times I think God is positioning us for our own safety. Like when you are driving back from the beach (this happened the other day) and the person in front of you wants to go slower, because they are uncomfortable driving through the twisty, turns of the Tillamook Forest. Maybe they slowed you down because in a 1 mile, there will be a person passing coming from the other way and in the wrong lane. Head on collision averted! Because that van was slower, we weren’t where we could’ve been.

Then there are times that we are just meant to help someone; like Tuesday. I have been working on starting a refurbishing business (God even provided the first sale piece before I finished it; which I’m working on this week), I’ve set aside Tuesday to dedicate time to my business for one of my weekly time commitments. I had to organize my workshop. I took the trash to the dumpster and headed to donate the clothing I’d been gathering up. I arrived at my normal donation place, a lady got out of the car next to me.

She asked if I went to the church. I said, I had been to some services in the past but go somewhere else for services. I pulled a bag out of the back of the jeep and she said, “I’m here to donate too, I just didn’t know where to go and it looks like you do.” I lead her to the door where we were greeted by a man who said they were no longer accepting clothes and told us the next closest place which was 3 miles away (here in this area that means it’s a 20 minute drive).

I had to go so I could get rid of my stuff, so I asked if she wanted me to take hers for her as well. She said she was thankful God sent me so she didn’t have to go. She was from Arizona and didn’t know the area. I realize that doesn’t seem like a super exciting encounter but I was able to help someone who needed help. We ALL need help sometimes.

I love the sense of joy I get from helping others or just brightening their day in some way shape or form. Most of us have that inkling because it’s written into our DNA by God. We were made FOR fellowship (with Him first, then others). Our main purpose here is the relationships we have and are meant to have. I’m not suggesting you quit your job, sell your things and go off the grid to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, never making a plans, flying by the seat of your pants…….. God knows jobs are a source of income and we need that to pay for living expenses. He will use you right where you are.

I know some people have a hard time asking for help. Something God had me start squashing years ago is the “I can do this on my own “ attitude. I had it pretty bad, too. The harder I tried to NOT rely on others, the more I seemed to need others. God did not create us for solitude.

I’m NOT afraid to ask for help any longer. It’s not shameful; nor does it mean I’m a failure or can’t accomplish things on my own. We are created for community, given differing gifts that fit perfectly together (we have to choose to use them, though).

When we allow God to control our day, He can bless us in ways we don’t expect. 2 months ago before I skipped town to help my mom after surgery and spend time with my amazing granddaughter and her parents, I got an unexpected job offer that I asked for years ago.

I wasn’t looking for a job at this time but, it’s the perfect fit and perfect timing (He’s been training me for years and I had no idea). I’m excited to see how He uses me. It will be challenging, rewarding, and worth the past heartache that qualifies me to serve in this capacity. After all, I’ve been called to a purpose bigger than me. We are supposed to be mentors and spread the good news (gospel) of Jesus’ saving grace. We as Christ followers ALL have this call on our lives. This is our commission:

18 Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually—regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20



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