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Thoughts from a Roll of TP- Coming Clean about the 7 Day Detox

Writer: Thoughts by MeThoughts by Me

November 2012

Ok, so my first attempt at the 7 Day Detox challenge failed…..and so did the second. This plan seems easy to follow from a glance. One thing to note is that it takes planning. Think ahead and make sure the foods and water are accessible to you for the whole 7 days. I haven’t changed my water habit. I’ve still been drinking lots of water (I want to retain this habit).

My first attempt was the week of my birthday, before I created this blog. I figured I didn’t have to mention it because it was irrelevant. I have realized I was wrong about that.

Anyone who knows me knows I celebrate birthday week. With the way I used to treat my body and my drug addiction in my early years, I never thought I would make it to 30. Each year that passes is an accomplishment. It is a blessing….a gift from Abba (my heavenly Daddy).

The first run failed, on Day 4, because my friends took me out for my birthday dinner. As a mom, wife, dinner-shift waitress, I don’t get a lot of time with my friends. I take the time that I am given since it only happens every few months or so.

When I started this blog I decided to try the 7 Day Detox again for my first project. Of course, as you know, it failed again (oddly enough, Day 4 was the culprit again).

Important note about this plan: Don’t forget to consider Day 4 which is mostly about milk. Unless you have the money to buy multiple containers of milk (especially for those like me who can’t drink regular milk) and water while out and about on errands (I know bananas are easy to carry around), I suggest making sure Day 4 is an at home kind of day.

We had to buy a couch before I went insane. With 4 people in this house and only 3 places to sit, I was getting frustrated. Today’s youth are not taught to respect their elders. It’s a shame that we have to tell our young’uns to make room for those who are older than them. Especially when that elder has been running around like a chicken with its head cut off and wants to relax for a few minutes before heading off to 6 more hours of running around at work.

So today I begin again with the 7 Day Detox project. Hopefully the 3rd time’s the charm! I am posting the day after for full effect. And since my day usually doesn’t really begin until noon, I’ll post in the afternoons.

Well, I’m off to buy some more watermelon.



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