I’ve been making hummus for years. It’s healthy, great for snacking on with some veggies to dip in it, and it’s easy.
1/2 bag of Chickpeas (aka Garbanzo beans)
lemon juice
minced garlic
2 Tbsp tahini (found in your local grocery store: it’s sesame paste)
seasonings to taste (try different ones)
Soak chickpeas overnight, throw in the crock pot on high for 8 hours. Throw all ingredients in a blender. Add enough lemon juice to liquify it.
Also try it with spinach, roasted red peppers or artichoke hearts.
I got this idea from Pinterest
Oven roasted Chickpeas
If you want a good crunchy snack, soak and cook the other half of the bag of chickpeas as well. Toss in 2 Tbsp olive oil and any seasonings. Put the oven on 400, bake for 30 minutes.