From November 2012
Day Four "Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. This will be combined with the special soup which may be eaten in limited quantities".
I finally made it through Day 4! I feel accomplished! No amendments posts today…..yay!
I decided to make it easy on myself (and I’ll tell you why in a minute). I measured out the 3 glasses (24 ounces) of milk and threw 7 bananas in the blender. Banana milk is pretty good stuff. It’s very filling too. I decided to go with all 8 of the allowed bananas since I was substituting rice milk for real milk. The stuff I use is fortified with extra calcium. I ate one banana for breakfast. I have never been a breakfast person but I have been waking up hungry in the mornings since starting this detox. Later in the day, I ate one bowl of cabbage soup. It says limited quantities. It’s not specific so I only had one, which was my lunch.
On the night of Day 3, (while I was at work) I was in the walk in freezer getting cheesecake since I had used the last 2 pieces. We keep desserts on the top shelf and the 3 gallon tub of ice cream was in front. The ice cream fell off the shelf and for some ridiculous reason I tried to catch it with my leg. I have a huge bruise, a fabulous knot and am having a bit of trouble walking. Lovely! Of course I had a ton of stuff to do and was supposed to work. The bad part of being a waitress is that if you injure a major appendage, you can’t work. My son, who has always wanted to be an EMT, spent the day nursing me back to health.
I measured my waist for reference for those who are using the 7 Day Detox as a diet plan. At the beginning of this week, I was at 34 inches on my waist. Today I measure 22 ½ inches. So, I have lost a little bit of weight.
One thing I noticed about Day 4 of this detox is that I should have spread my banana milk out. I was pretty hungry by the end of the day. Once again my teeth hurt from all the sugar. I have terrible teeth and too many sweets make them achy. I also find myself looking forward to a little meat tomorrow. I know I’ll enjoy eating 6 tomatoes.
Cost Breakdown:
Bananas approximately $2.50
Rice milk $4.00
Total Cost: approximately $6.50